Online Writing Courses I Recommend

Following up on my last post about free online writing courses, here are the most transformative paid online writing courses I’ve taken.  I resisted paying for a writing course for a long time. Then a fiction-writing friend declared they changed her writing...

Free Online Courses for Writers

I’m touched by the enthusiastic feedback for my recent Hippocampus Magazine article, “How to Write About Trauma in a Safe(r) Way.” I’m honored that so many people including therapists (!) find it helpful. Knowing this makes the challenges that led to...

The Process of Writing Memoir

In sharing my work for critique with other writers, I am learning that the process of writing memoir can be hard for writers of other genres to understand. I find I often get the same feedback over and over, and it’s not always possible to incorporate all...

Coming Back to Writing!

I’ve decided to dust off this old thing and start blogging about my writing process again. The timing reflects the fact that I’ve begun to write more seriously again. After a big life change a few years ago, I almost completely stopped writing, other than...

Book launch publicity tip!

1. Buy a cake for your book launch. Preferably a big one.  2. Write “BOOK LAUNCH” in gigantic letters on the cake. 3. Walk around the grocery store with this in your cart. That’s it! I did this in the fall when my...